Dez 3, 2024 | New Developments
intercultures swiss gmbh – ein Beitrag von Irene Hotz Ganzmann Wir hören regelmässig, dass sich Führungskräfte und Ausbildende über die Zusammenarbeit mit der Generation Z aufregen. Diese Generation ist zwischen 1995 und 2009 geboren und bringt seit wenigen...
Jun 13, 2023 | New Developments, Projects with Customers
The first run of our “Intercultural Training” in the New Normal of our academy has successfully come to an end. Two of our consultants, Faiza Ikeda, expert on Japan and former Yugoslav States, and Molly Ng, expert on Southeast Asia/ East Asia,share their experiences...
Jan 3, 2023 | New Developments
Mucho antes de comprender el significado de la palabra “competencia intercultural” Joanna experimentó lo que eran los cambios culturales en primera persona. Desde pequeña estaba acostumbrada a cambiar frecuentemente de entorno “cultural”, cambiando de colegio o de...
Dez 15, 2021 | intercultures’ Culture, New Developments
Facilitating Meaningful Conversations on DEI Facilitating a conversation on DEI requires a lot of knowledge, skill, humility, and a special set of attitudes. With this in mind, the Academy for Diversity and Innovation – founded last year by Anna Zelno...
Nov 18, 2021 | intercultures’ Culture, New Developments
Formar(se) para Transformar(se): Programa J.E.D.I. La Academy for Diversity and Innovation, fundada el año pasado por Anna Zelno (Directora General de intercultures’ España), Antonio Liu Yang y Barbara Covarrubias, lanza el curso JEDI, un programa integral para...