intercultures Blog
Stay up to date with our most recent news and updatesBabyboomer, X, Y, Z – Unterschiede als Chance oder Stolperstein?
«Die Generation Z fordert viel und leistet wenig.» Dies ist eine der oft gehörten Pauschalisierungen. Erwähnt werden die Erwartungen, die neu sind und die Ansätze zur Zusammenarbeit, die sich deutlich von denen früherer Generationen unterscheiden.
intercultures @SIETAR Europa Congress 2024
intercultures Academy: “Intercultural Training” in the New Normal- Customer Reviews
The first run of our “Intercultural Training” in the New Normal of our academy has successfully come to an end. Two of our consultants, Faiza Ikeda, expert on Japan and former Yugoslav States, and Molly Ng, expert on Southeast Asia/ East Asia,share their experiences...
Caso de éxito: Cómo me reinventé gracias a la formación intercultural
Mucho antes de comprender el significado de la palabra “competencia intercultural” Joanna experimentó lo que eran los cambios culturales en primera persona. Desde pequeña estaba acostumbrada a cambiar frecuentemente de entorno “cultural”, cambiando de colegio o de...
Intercultural Competence in Healthcare
Have you ever received medical care abroad and encountered communication challenges or even misunderstandings? Or have you ever faced challenges when trying to provide medical care to someone who couldn’t understand you? In cross-cultural communication in healthcare,...
Are Introverts Better Leaders of Virtual Teams?
Embedded in the 2022 SIETAR Congress Re-Thinking Interculturalism, Prof. Marie-Therese Claes, Head of the Institute for Gender and Diversity at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, presented her latest research on this exciting question. During the...
Virtual Closeness in the New Normal
How can we create virtual closeness in a culturally sensitive and culture-independent way? Virtual collaboration has become the new norm for many (international) teams and in the context of training programs. Success criteria for both virtual collaboration and...
Informal Spaces in the New Normal
How can we simulate online the informal spaces that are decision-making spaces in many cultures? In the spirit of advancing virtual communication and collaboration, we have been working with some of our trainers to develop strategies for designing training...
Welcome to the New Normal!
The New Normal What needs to change if 95% of cross-cultural communication happens online? Since the pandemic, many companies and teams have been facing entirely new challenges. The rapid digital transformation driven by Covid-19 has impacted corporate cultures,...
Global Fitness is a term coined to capture the multifaceted nature of the personal qualities and competencies needed to thrive in today’s global workplaces and to flourish in culturally diverse contexts. There are many terms used to describe this set of skills, such...
Intercultural Training: Living and Working in Switzerland
Welcome to Switzerland Have you just arrived in Switzerland or lived and worked here for a while and still feel that sometimes you don’t understand, why some things work in the way they do? Would you like to know more about Switzerland, feel comfortable in this...
Facilitating Meaningful Conversations on DEI Facilitating a conversation on DEI requires a lot of knowledge, skill, humility, and a special set of attitudes. With this in mind, the Academy for Diversity and Innovation - founded last year by Anna Zelno (intercultures‘...