Jun 27, 2017 | intercultures’ Culture
Title Picture: Connected through our virtual, global network, intercultures Consultants who attended the SIETAR Europa 2017 Congress gather to cultivate Virtual Closeness at a Dublin pub. intercultures Consultant Adrienne Rubatos with Antoine Burke (photo courtesy of...
Mrz 4, 2016 | intercultures’ Culture, Unkategorisiert
Note: The following article was included in our Jan. 2016 intercultures e-newsletter. Email the Editor to receive our next bi-monthly edition in your inbox well in advance of website postings. We offer fresh, intercultural information and insights for working...
Nov 2, 2013 | Field Reports, Unkategorisiert
From Berlin, Germany to Tallinn, Estonia to Chennai, India, VPA Licensing Workshops hop the globe. By thinking differently about, and broadening consultants’ understanding of, virtual performance, participant-consultants are considering new possibilities that open...