Juli 5, 2016 | New Developments
In project planning does it seem that… Future outlooks become increasingly volatile? Matrix organizations make interface management far more challenging? Leading virtually calls for specific management skills in which nobody in the organization is trained?...
Apr. 28, 2016 | New Developments
Constantly in love In the beginning, Google’s new software app, „Smart Reply“— currently in its first stages of market introduction—was constantly in love. The prototype signed almost all e-mails off with, „I love you“. By now, its artificial...
Okt. 28, 2014 | Field Reports
Some call it “the elephant in the room.” When no one in the workplace mentions that certain something negative that everyone knows, it’s a sign. This article speaks to the power of voicing to improve communication among a group of employees working together virtually...
Aug. 31, 2014 | intercultures’ Culture
Connecting on a human-to-human level via technology takes at least a little creativity. Since food tends to be a universal connector, why not share a meal with remote work partners in order to enrich your virtual communication? The following are five simple,...
März 8, 2014 | Projects with Customers
Turning Challenges Into Advantages Global consultants are looking beyond the spectrum of the traditional cultural dimensions developed by Geert Hofstede, Fons Trompenaars and other well-known intercultural business researchers. They are practicing new trends as they...