Jun 26, 2017 | intercultures’ Culture, New Developments
Diversity is a Resource In Spain, Diversity and Inclusion has been a hot topic among global HR professionals in the last two decades, and gained importance over the last few years. It is often the case that the gender and ethnic diversity of Spanish society are not...
Mrz 4, 2016 | intercultures’ Culture, Unkategorisiert
Note: The following article was included in our Jan. 2016 intercultures e-newsletter. Email the Editor to receive our next bi-monthly edition in your inbox well in advance of website postings. We offer fresh, intercultural information and insights for working...
Apr 15, 2009 | New Developments
intercultures Spain is now in operation! After many months of preparation, intercultures Spain is now in operation, conducting business from Barcelona. »The intercultural field is still fairly new and not as developed on the Iberian peninsula as for example in...