Juni 13, 2023 | New Developments, Projects with Customers
The first run of our “Intercultural Training” in the New Normal of our academy has successfully come to an end. Two of our consultants, Faiza Ikeda, expert on Japan and former Yugoslav States, and Molly Ng, expert on Southeast Asia/ East Asia,share their experiences...
Jan. 3, 2023 | New Developments
Mucho antes de comprender el significado de la palabra “competencia intercultural” Joanna experimentó lo que eran los cambios culturales en primera persona. Desde pequeña estaba acostumbrada a cambiar frecuentemente de entorno “cultural”, cambiando de colegio o de...
Juni 27, 2017 | intercultures’ Culture
Title Picture: Connected through our virtual, global network, intercultures Consultants who attended the SIETAR Europa 2017 Congress gather to cultivate Virtual Closeness at a Dublin pub. intercultures Consultant Adrienne Rubatos with Antoine Burke (photo courtesy of...
Juni 26, 2017 | intercultures’ Culture, New Developments
Diversity is a Resource In Spain, Diversity and Inclusion has been a hot topic among global HR professionals in the last two decades, and gained importance over the last few years. It is often the case that the gender and ethnic diversity of Spanish society are not...
Juni 25, 2017 | Field Reports
Distinguishing Global and Local Mau (Mauricio) Otarola is originally from San José, Costa Rica, and now lives among locals and travelers 220 km east of the city in Puerto Viejo, along the Caribbean Sea. He is the co-owner of a vacation rentals and property management...