Introducing Intercultural Opening
Even translating the phrase “interkulturelle öffnung” was an “intercultural opening” exercise. In drafting this interview about the book, “Handbuch Interkulturelle Öffnung,” for our English-language e-newsletter, we wanted to translate the title of the German-language book for our readers. A quick visit to Google Translate produced the title, „Manual for Intercultural Opening: Basics, Best Practice, Tools.” But, Dr. Claude-Hélène Mayer, co-author of the book with Elisabeth Vanderheiden, acknowledges that the phrase, “intercultural opening”—from the German “interkulturelle Öffnung”—sounds very strange to her in English—even German-centric. While the phrasing may sound unfamiliar in English, the concept is globally relevant. Wherever and whatever our contexts, intercultural openings—or, opportunities to engage with intercultural differences between people—surround us. Our ability to identify, manage and leverage those opportunities is the topic of this book.
An Interview with the Co-authors
In the following article, co-authors Claude-Hélène, a consultant with intercultures, and Elisabeth, talk with us about their book released in Spring 2014 by Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. Questions from intercultures are italicized; responses are preceded with the initials of the respective co-author.
What is it about?
Related to the title of the book, you (Claude-Hélène) mentioned that the book is highly context-specific. Tell us more about what you meant by this.
CHM: Since a few years now, the concept of „inclusion“ is a highly important topic in the German context. The book provides theoretical approaches and practical examples which focus particularly on organisations in German contexts. I believe that the book can also offer new insights and information on German society, as well as provide ideas for other [national] cultural contexts on how to deal with diversity issues in various areas of society.
Key Insights of the Book
What is at least one new, key insight offered in the text?
CHM: The book provides the reader with new information on the processes and mechanics of intercultural opening—[how it works]—across various contexts, such as business organisations, schools, higher education institutions, the police, the military context and so on. It is the first book to provide such a broad overview on intercultural opening processes. The book is divided into three parts:
- Theoretical texts on intercultural opening in the various forms of organisations;
- Practical examples on how organisational intercultural opening is practiced specifically in various fields, and;
- Exercises that support the intercultural processes in organisations.
One of the key insights that is offered in the book is that intercultural opening of organisations is happening in Germany across the various forms of organisations with high levels of motivation even though the general impression that intercultural opening is a „difficult topic“. I believe this book provides the reader with hope that diversity issues can be addressed on a broad and in-depth level.

A Close-Up of German Society and Culture
What do those outside of Germany have to learn from this text?
EV: I am sure readers from other countries can learn about how intercultural processes work in German contexts and use the examples, best practices and tools to address diversity issues in their cultures and countries. The tools can be adjusted and contextualized, but can stimulate readers to think about and reflect on their own professional contexts. Readers can thereby gain new insights into the German society and cultural concepts and into their own cultures.
A Successful Partnership
Please tell us about your partnership in writing “Handbuch Interkulturelle Öffnung.”
CHM: Elisabeth Vanderheiden is the National President of the Catholic Adult Education of Germany (KEB)—the largest non-municipal provider of general adult education in Germany. It represents an important part of the adult education for which a plural society and the public sector are responsible. The KEB organizes national projects and symposiums. Its aim is to continuously develop the quality of adult education and topics surrounding the subject in Germany. The KEB publishes a very successful quarterly periodical on theory and practice called EB Erwachsenenbildung (adult education), book series, publication series and information services. Elisabeth is the first woman in this position. We have cooperated on several projects together…and are colleagues working for equality and intercultural openings in Germany and beyond. We are also friends who share certain values, trying to promote peace and non-violent conflict management as well as intercultural competence in organizations and in society.
Resolving Challenges Peacefully
What is the relationship between peace and non-violent conflict management in organizations and in society?
EV: I believe, when you start bringing people across cultures together and you explore ways to communicate in non-violent ways and to resolve conflicts creatively and peacefully, we can all contribute to a broader picture of peace in our societies and the world. I am of the opinion that in our professional environments we can really make a difference by communicating mindfully which will have its impact in the world beyond.

A strong Impact
In the last month, your book was 1 copy away from being out of stock on Amazon.com and 10 copies away from being out of stock on Amazon.de. What’s been the reception of the book since it was released in March 2014?
CHM: We are overwhelmed by the reception of the book, just within the first few months. It has been received with high interest by many key persons within industry, as well as in educational institutions, the police services and in politics. Several ministers in politics have shown interest and have commented positively on the book, its new approach and its broad overview. Not only in Germany and Austria but in Italy and Poland too. We are very glad and happy that we can reach out to people across the board, across professions and cultures and that we have an impact, bring people together who are all working for the intercultural integration and inclusion in Germany and beyond.
Meet Us
Among other upcoming, public presentations of „Handbuch Interculturelle Öffnung,“ Elisabeth Vanderheiden will present the book at SIETAR Deutschland’s 2-4 Oct. SIETAR Forum 2014 in Jena, Germany, themed, „Welcoming Culture in Germany: Challenges for the Economy, Society and Education.“
Photo credits title picture: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht (image of book cover)
Photo credits portrait of Elisabeth Vanderheiden: Elisabeth Vanderheiden
Photo credits portrait of Dr. Claude-Hélène Mayer: Dr. Claude-Hélène Mayer
The above article was included in the Aug. 2014 intercultures e-newsletter.