+49 (0)30 - 788 66 61 info@intercultures.de

Development of Vision

In all honesty: Do you know and live your company’s values? What would need to happen for all employees to be led and motivated by them? Are you really using the potential that lies within its vision?

Development of vision is a turning point in the history of every organization. If it doesn’t succeed, values remain on paper and employees develop a cynical immunity to any further attempts to promote corporate identity. If it does succeed, it produces surges in motivation and development that will have a lasting positive influence on the organization. The successful development of vision is an effective change management instrument.

A Challenging Process

This process becomes even more challenging on an international level. For instance, what does “Customer focus” mean in the US, in Singapore or Germany? Does it mean being available 24/7? To what extent do we involve all international stakeholders when negotiating values and their resulting behavioral parameters? In what way should these values be linked with leadership behavior? How much culture-specific interpretation do we allow for subsidiaries?

We cordially invite you to discuss these and other exciting questions with the manager of our Global Change Consulting division, Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth. Your participation is free of charge, and the webinar takes place on November 18, 2010, at 2pm CET. We look forward to your registration!

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